This website was coded & designed by me
open-sourced on github

Click the Image to view the app or game

VR Science Maze

This is a Science Lab inspired Maze for the Oculus Quest 2 Headset. The player must navigate through the lab to find the key, which will unlock the door at the end of the maze.

The Secret Tree

The object of the game is to use the clues throughout the field of flowers to find the secret tree. Enjoy the relaxation of the Binaural audio and beautiful graphics while you explore. Built with Unity and C# framework.

Save The Planet

Using Raycasts, you control the player with your mouse position and shoot the glowing rocks to save the planet. Becareful because if you hit one, you die!

Weather App

My final project during my Front-End Development coursework with SheCodes. An 8-week workshop where I built my html, css, and js skills. With the completion of this project I received a certificate in Front-End Development.

Rolling Ball

A mini-game I coded to showcase a variety of skills for my coursework with NYU. Using WASD or Arrow keys, the player rolls around the space to collect the cubes. Built with Unity and C# framework.